Selected Solo Exhibitions

2014       Unfolded: Carved & Constructed Sculpture, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2010       Jeremy Comins: Climbers, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2009       Paper & Wood, The Interchurch Center, New York, NY

2007       Jeremy Comins: Wooden Sculpture, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2005       Jeremy Comins: Sculpture in Wood, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2003       Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2002       Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY


Additional Solo Exhibitions

Mari Gallery, NY

Bodley Gallery, NY

Staten Island Museum, NY

Roko Gallery, NY


Two-Person Exhibitions

Welles Gallery

Mari Gallery, NY


Group Exhibitions

2019       M55 Gallery, New York, NY

2017       Central Booking Gallery, New York, NY

2015       DBFA Artists Group Show, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

                Lamantia Gallery, North Port, NY

                West Beth Gallery, New York, NY

                St. Francis College, New York, NY

2014       Upstream Gallery, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

2013-14 New Century Gallery, New York, NY

2013       Summer Selections 2013, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

                Group Show, St. Francis College, New York, NY

                Group Show, New Century Gallery, New York, NY

2012       Summer Show 2012, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

                Process, Sculpture Guild, Governors Island, NY

                Window Display, Sculpture Guild, Saks 5th Avenue, NY

2011       Intersections, Sculpture Guild, Governors Island, NY

                Summer Selections 2011, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2010       Summer Selections 2010, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2009       Formative Lines: Working in Drawing and Sculpture, a collaborative project of

                the Sculptors Guild and the Drawing Center, Governor’s Island, New York, NY

                Summer Selections 2009, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2008       Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden

                Winter Salon, Denise Bibro Fine Art, New York, NY

2007       Venezuelan Consulate, New York, NY

                Art Cologne

2006       Affordable Art Fair, New York, NY

                Art Miami, Miami, FL

2005       Denise Bibro Fine Art

2002       Denise Bibro Fine Art

2001       Denise Bibro Fine Art

1999       USA Craft Today, Silvermine Guild, CT

1998       173rd Annual Exhibition, National Academy Museum, New York, NY

                Obsession Food, Pelham Arts Center, NY

1996       171st Annual Exhibition, National Academy of Design Museum, New York, NY

1994       3D in ’94, Middletown Arts Center

                Biennial, Staten Island Museum, Staten Island, NY

1989       Opus, Gallery at Lincoln Center, New York, NY


Additional Group Exhibitions

Allied Artists

Allan Stone Gallery, NY

Bachelier-Cordonsky Gallery

Berkshire Museum

Broome Street Gallery, NY

Dream House -- Berkshires Artisans Gallery

Katonah Art Center, Katonah, NY

Lehman College, Bronx, NY

National Arts Club, New York, NY

Mari Gallery, NY

Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY

Pleiades Gallery-Invitational, NY

Roko Gallery

Silvermine Guild, CT, Art of the Northeast USA

Philadelphia Museum, Philadelphia, PA

Philbrook Gallery

Salmagundi Club, New York, NY

Wharton Esherick Museum, King of Prussia, PA


Books (Authored & Illustrated)

500 Bowls, Lark Press

400 Boxes, Lark Press

Getting Started in African Crafts

Latin American Crafts and Their Cultural Background

Art from Found Objects

Eskimo Crafts and Their Cultural Backgrounds

Slotted Sculpture

Chinese and Japanese Crafts and Their Cultural Backgrounds

Vans to Build from Cardboard




Honors and Awards

Honorable Mention, Sculpture- Central Booking Gallery, 2017

Outstanding Merit Award for Sculpture-New Century Gallery, 2015

Florence and Zlowe Memorial Award, 2007

Harry Ballinger Memorial Award, 2002

Hannibal Debellis Sculpture Award (2), 2001

Graham Gallery Sculpture Award, 2000

Peters Sculpture Award, 1999-2000

Philip Isenberg Memorial Award, 1999

ASCA Contemporary Art Award, 1998

Richman Sculpture Award, 1998

Henry Nordhausen Memorial Award for Photography, 1998

Elliot Liskin Memorial Award, 1996-1997

Salmagundi Club Prize for Photography, 1996

Salmagundi Club Honorable Mention, Fall Graphics, 1996

Salmagundi Club Honorable Mention, Summer Exhibition, 1996

Alice B. McReynolds Award, 1995

ASCA Contemporary Art Award, 1995

Photography included in Mudfish 9

Listed in Something About the Author, Gale Press

Included in Best of Photography, 1991 – 1993

Honorable Mention, Best of Photography, 1992



Wall Street International, February 2014, Jeremy Comins. Unfolded

Roberta Smith, New York Times 2005, Art in Review; Jeremy Comins



Sculptors Guild, NYC

Brooklyn Watercolor Society

Artist Craftsmen of New York



B.S., M.S., New York University

Brooklyn Museum Art School


I'm interested in the visual relationships established between exterior and interior forms.

The unfolded group of sculptures evolved from observations of fall bark peeling off trees and dropping to the ground in curled shapes. The curled bark acts as a protector to the various twigs and other small objects nestled inside.

My next step was to abstract this concept and invent forms to represent this idea.

In my earlier sculptures, in this series, the outer shell was rolled tighter showing fewer of the interior shapes.

As the work progressed the curled outer shell dropped away or opened up showing more of the forms contained within.